April 28, 2021
3 min read
Both architectures are designed for a specific use case. Knowing the difference between monolithic architecture...
Category ROR
November 4, 2020
< 1 min read
To get a quick glimpse of the similarities and differences between some of the most...
Category ROR
September 24, 2020
< 1 min read
String is a primitive data type that we rely on heavily when developing applications in...
Category ROR
September 23, 2020
< 1 min read
When testing Rails Model and you encounter a ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation, this means you need to provide some default...
Category ROR
September 22, 2020
< 1 min read
In modern web applications, transactions and background jobs play an important role to ensure consistency...
Category ROR
September 21, 2020
2 min read
The period of self-isolation has given us so much time to ourselves, it has led...